This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of The Quaker Oats Company
Let’s Make Snack Time One Of The Easiest Parts Of A Busy Day
Can you believe the school year has come to an end? I am getting teary eyed just writing that sentence. This has been such an amazing year for not only my daughter, but also me. Watching your child grow before your eyes makes you step back and see how much you have grown from them as well.
This has been a year of learning, growing, but also snacks. I love to have snack options that are approved by the both of us. I am looking for organic, delicious ingredients and my daughter of course wants it to taste good. From school to extra curricular activities I always feel happy to hand my daughter a Quaker Kids Organic delicious soft-baked bar or package of snack-sized bites.
Parents already have many daily hats to wear. The past few weeks, due to recent school closures, parents are having to think outside the box to keep their children busy and engaged at home in virtual school and schoolwork. Not to mention the question we all hear about 10 times a day, “Can I have a snack?” Quaker Kids Organic Whole Grain Bars and Bites help make snack time one of easiest parts of a busy day.
Quaker knows that parents are particular about the snacks we give our little ones. That’s why they created Quaker Kids Organic. Quaker Kids Organic delicious soft-baked bars and snack-sized bites provide 11-19 grams of whole grains, are certified organic, Non-GMO Project Verified, and made with flavors kids will love.

We Love Our Teacher’s Craft
Teachers are heroes to all of us. We all can think of that teacher that believed in us, inspired us, and motivated us to be the best we could be. With teachers having to get even more creative now more than ever teaching from home. We wanted to make a craft that young students could make for their teachers thanking them for everything they have done for them this year.
You can find these items online or at your local craft store with order pickup.

Gather Supplies: for this project you will need a wooden picture frame, paint, paint brushes, card stock, scissors, and a marker

Start by painting the top half of the wooden frame blue. This will be the sky.

Next, painting the bottom half of the wooden frame green. This will be the grass.
Once dry, paint clouds in the sky and flowers in the grass.

Let dry, and add some yellow pollen to the white flowers. While it dries trace the square onto card stock, and write your message. We wrote World’s Best Teacher.

Once the paint is dry, place the message into the frame and secure the backing. This is a handmade gift that any teacher would love to have sitting on their desk.
Let me know in the comments if you make this craft for your child’s teacher.
You can also download this We Love Our Teachers PDF and color it for them and send them a photo of you holding it. I am sure that will bring a smile to their face.
You can visit www.quakeroats.com/products/kids to learn more about Quaker Kids Organic and find your nearest location to stock up with their product locator.

—If you have any questions about WE LOVE OUR TEACHER’S CRAFT WITH THE QUAKER OATS COMPANY leave them in the comments below.
XO, Celeste Wright
[ See more CRAFTS posts here / See the INSTAGRAM post here ]
*This post is sponsored by BabbleBoxx.com on behalf of The Quaker Oats Company