We recently had a new family move into the neighborhood. Lila has been so excited about it. She has been asking to go over and introduce herself everyday since she saw their moving truck. Yesterday I finally asked her if he wanted to take them a gift. When I asked her, her eyes lit up so big. So we began to think of a list of new neighbor gift ideas. Any reason to celebrate someone new!
I’m a sucker for creative details. First I started off by designing a “Welcome” tag. I just used some yarn and stickers from my craft box. What I wanted to do was get fancy any make something on my printer. But it was a busy day, so maybe for the next post of new neighbor gift ideas.
For the basket I used an inexpensive bin from the Target dollar spot. TIP: always buy a few extra when you see them. They come in handy for gifts, storage, and organization.
Here’s what I put inside our new neighbor gift:
- drawing pad
- fine point markers
- list of restaurants in the area we love [see some of our favorite places here]
- some of our favorite snack bars
- hand soap
All of these things are super simple items. None of them are super special, but rather practical. That’s the key in thinking of new neighbor gift ideas. Think of things that you use daily and that are good to have around the house.
It’s been tough to explain why we can’t go over just yet, but we’re preparing to welcome them by reading our new book for bedtime. ‘The Welcome Wagon’ by acclaimed picture book creator Cori Doerrfeld is a story all about welcoming newcomers. Someone new is someone to celebrate! It gave Lila the idea to make our new neighbors a welcome basket.
This is the first picture book in CUBBY HILL, a series about community that’s full of humor, charm and a whole lot of warmth. The town of Cubby Hill is a bustling community of bears, bunnies, hedgehogs, and other familiar creatures. The series celebrates the values of inclusivity, imagination, and acceptance. Lila absolutely loved the idea of welcoming a new person and the book helped her see that when we embrace new people it can also build friendships.
For our new neighbors we made them a small basket with a coloring pad, markers, hand soap, some of our favorite snacks, and a list of our favorite places to eat nearby. As soon as we can we are walking over to say hello, and until we can, we are keeping busy at home reading!
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