Tornado In A Jar
Easy Steam Activities
Tornado in a Jar
Materials Needed:
2 jars with lids (or plastic bottles)
Tap Water
Dish soap
Food Coloring
Teaspoon (for measuring)
Create A Hypothesis
Ask your kids to make a hypothesis about what they think is going to happen! Check at the end to see if their hypothesis was correct.
1. Fill jar 1 3/4 way with tap water
2. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to jar 1
3. Add 1 teaspoon of dish soap to jar 1
4. Add 1 teaspoon of glitter to jar 1
5. Put the lid on jar 1 and close the lid on tightly
6. Shake the jar in a circle motion for 5 seconds (don’t shake up and down, shake clockwise or counter clockwise)
7. Watch before your eyes as a vortex begins to form!
1. Fill jar 2 3/4 way with tap water
2. Add 1 teaspoon of vinegar to jar 2
3. Add 1 teaspoon of dish soap to jar 2
4. Add 1 drop of food coloring to jar 2
5. Put the lid on jar 2 and close the lid on tightly
6. Shake the jar in a circle motion for 5 seconds (don’t shake up and down, shake clockwise or counter clockwise)
7. Watch before your eyes as a vortex begins to form!
Science behind the tornado in a jar: When you spin the water, it creates the vortex in the center, centripetal force causes the water to spin around that vortex making a tornado!
Ask your kids to think of other places in your home where you see a vortex!
The toilet!
The tub when it’s draining!
Thanks for reading and if you have any questions leave them in the comments below.
XO, Celeste Wright