After recently moving into our new home, I have been on a decorating spree and it has been so rejuvenating! I love being able to express myself through the decor in our home. It’s especially fun when you get to start with a fresh, new, and clean slate! It has definitely consumed a lot of my time the last few weeks, but I honestly can’t complain since I love it so much. We are all so happy to finally have enough space to really make it our own and have been enjoying every minute of it!
Easter is finally here and I can’t tell you how excited I am! This will be our first official holiday in our new home and I’ve been so excited to host an Easter Brunch for my family! Once I realized that meant I needed to go shopping to find the best items, I knew exactly where I needed to go. JCPenney had an amazing selection to choose from and I had a hard time resisting buying it all! These gorgeous spring plates with the matching napkins were a must, and how could I resist these adorable bunny napkin rings?! Lila is especially excited for those. They had everything you could possibly need and more for your Easter celebrations!
I am so pleased with how this set up came together and I know it’s going to make our first Easter here so special. I also love that the bright colors and intricate flowers make it all feel so delicate and beautiful. Perfect for a bright, happy, and delightful brunch with our family that we love so dearly!
I absolutely love hosting and I’m so thrilled that we will be able to do it more often in our home. It’s such a fun experience to be able to put together something that puts a smile on everyone’s faces! I’m so glad that JCPenney helped me in my endeavor to create the perfect Easter Brunch.
Hoppy Easter everyone! I hope you have a wonderful time with those you love!