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Paris Girls Trip

Aenean solli citudin, lorem as quisam bibendum auctor nisirev elit consequat ipsum, nec sagittis seh id elit uised odio ameter dignis justo acas turpis egestas. Nullam et cursus pet tellus sapien. Nam nec elementum

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Checks and Chains

Afringilla tempus lectus. Sed turpis magna, convallis non rhoncus sed, porttitor eu neque. Vestibulu sed euismod mauris, ultrices tempor ex. Quisque non pulvinar felis, id eleifend erat. Duis fermentu ante lorem, et suscipit ipsum

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White and Beige

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet consectetu ocilng elit. Donec eros aseb dui, suscipit ex uti commodo dignis justo acas turpis egestas. Nullam et cursus pet tellus sapien. Nam nec elementum elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique

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Caught in rain

Lorem ipsum dolor sitamet consectetu ocilng elit. Donec eros aseb dui, suscipit ex uti commodo dignis justo acas turpis egestas. Nullam et cursus pet tellus sapien. Nam nec elementum elit. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique

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The Recipe Box



Celeste Wright

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Los Angeles

Places to go, eat, and shop

I have lived in Los Angeles almost my whole life. I have gotten to know the city as a child, a teen, a young adult, a married woman, and now a mom. Whether you have lived here all of your life too, or are coming into town for vacation- check out some of my favorite spots!